Hello Everyone
Hello and still much appreciation given for patience as I continue catching up.
Life Update
I had just gotten back from Acetenango and was in a very rough state but lucky for me I had a wonderful support system as I jumped back into the teachings. We also did a team switch which was horrible. My new team is lovely but I wanted to do Romania with you old one so I was both very sad and mad but trying to love the new team well anyway.
What’s God doing in Debrief?
Tuesday and Wednesday were Acetenango
Thursday we had free time until lunch a day after breakfast I had a meeting with Joy and we went trough a deliverance from the spirits of unworthiness, fear and mistrust but didn’t feel like we really got to the bottom of everything yet. Then at session that night we did something that I hated. We did a team switch. So the team I was on that had just gotten past the worst parts and were looking forward to doing Romania together was now no longer an option. Timing was poor because I was not mentally well already from the hike. My team all cried as we said goodbye. My new team is a great group of girls and two from my old came with me to my new one so that was extra great. We met up and brainstormed names. Worshiproom was that night and I did not want to go at all. I went anyway and after panicking because the possibility of rain on the roof I sat inside in the back and just talked to God. And that’s when God sent Jacob. Jacob came over to check on me once then sent him to pray for me. Jacob didn’t know anything that was going on but he prayed for removal of fear, for healing, for Holy Spirit to fill me, and he told me He could feel how much I loved God and said it was radiating off me and it just touched something deep in my heart.
Friday our mentors Joy and Perry went home. Morning session was with Maddison on Prayer. We talked about: prayer is primary, It helps release our false sense of power and control, gives dependency and humility, alights our will with His, unifys the Body of Christ, we are commanded to pray, personal relationships involve communication, God uses prayer to accomplish things, Prater builds up the church. Then we talked about intercession: pray in line with God’s will, Satan can stop the power of prayer, we are called to pray always, God likes us talking with Him, prayer shows your view of God, invite God into things, Pray in power, persistence and with purpose, write prayers down so you cab see when He answers . Then session with Alayna. We talked about: Giving your all to God, You can’t have God and the worldly things, sin separates, repentance aligns our minds with God, changing your mind changes your “walk”, Talk to the Holy Spirit for wise imut on repentance since he helps convict and doesn’t condemn. Conviction to repentance leads to peace and joy, we are saints under sanctification, confession is continual, Jesus is why we are forgiven, becoming more like Christ, surrendering and its continualness.
Saturday was a big session with Jenna was about the gifts Holy Spirit brings into our accessibility and what access looks like. We talked about: The activatable gifts -Wisdom(T):profound otherworldly council -Knowledge(T):heavenly facts about the mind of God -Faith(A):supernatural conviction that will reveil hos power or mercy in a specific way or instance -Miracles(A):when God spends the natural laws to achieve His purposes -Healing(A):to destroy the work of the enemy -Prophecy(S):Spiritual forth-telling -Tongues(S):Spiritual uttering of unkown tongues -Interpretation of Tongues(S):indirect interpretation -Discerning of spirits(T):sensing, seejng and dewlling within rights, spiritual maturity seen in the fruits of the spirit not the same as this, they let you think like God(T) act like God(A) and Speak like God(S), then more teaching on what Tongues is, Desire earnestly the gifts, they are all accessible to us through the Holy Spirit. Then a teaching on the things we fight against from Ephesians 6. 1.Powers, 2.principalities, 3.Rulers, and 4.wickedness. We talked about: what they are 1. Powers: Over a region, territory, nation, people group, government (large areas), 2. Principalities: privilege, force, compacity, freedom or delegated influence, power authority, right, liberty, 3. Rulers: a worldly ruler, town officer, ruler of a city, they exercise satanic authority, 4.Wickedness: depravity, malace, plots, sin, iniquity, spirits that stur up evil desire, and how each works and how the kingdom of light opposes each (I will post a picture of the information), How to exercise authority in each stage, 4.submission to God wins(W) and temptation, lack of knowledge and awareness makes us lose(L), 3.(W)resisting, standing againstand opposing, (L)believing lies via imposing thoughts and emotions 2.(W)using power and authority cultivated through intimacy with God, (L)when we don’t use or missuse that power and authority, 1.(W) don’t fight alone and trust in God doing it, (L) take on solo and by your own “power”, the spiritual laws: Only one true God worthy of worship, Love conquers all, sin creates more sin, there is power in words, you reap what you sow, prayer is powerful and tangible in the spirit realm, faith is a portal of God’s grace, The authority flow over time from God to man to Satan to Jesus back to man, Our role in what is produced in our life, struggling Christian levels of Influence:intrusive thoughts that are lies and when we agree they turn to -> Oppression:when a bad spirit is lacked on to you because of your agreement with it through the lies-> possession:indwelling of an evil spirit, Christians can’t be possessed because they have the Holy Spirit in them, 2Cor 3-5 take down things in this order, stronghold, argument, then thoughts captive, Our actions can show if we are living our lives rooted in lies, steps to freedom: Identity agreements and seek the stronghold or legal right you gave -< confess and repent -> forgive as needed -> take authority you’ve been given by God -> confess the truth, declare scripture, replace the lie ->ask God to fill that space with the Holy Spirit. Small break for a message from Kevin on renewing our minds. We talked about: coming into agreement with the truth of Christ, Monday leading body, God enabling and empowering us, Awareness being key, why we renew our minds: Darkness damages, it’s commanded and recommended, and God wants to deliver and free us, How to renew minds: (Holy Spirit bring it about) *Holy Spirit strengthens and grounds you* Get into the word, What you look at you become rule so look at God, Repentance and humility, and intentional prayer. Next Jenna was back talking about re-imagining the way you Realtek to God and an Orphan Heart (I will add pictures) We talked about: orphan hearts can make you fall into counterfeit intimacy and keep people at arms length, Disagreeing responsibility, Releasing offense and Outdoing one another in Honor, having a heart of submissions honor shows sonship under God.
Sunday was a session with Jenna and Kevin on Christian dating and gender roles. We talked about: Men covering and protecting, pre-marriage your covering ic Christ, Emotional boundaries, sin problem=desire problem, counterfeit affections,perfect love casting out fear. Then session with Alayna was about comparison. We talked about: focusing on what God has for you, holistic health, celebration instead, empowering people to walk in their roles. Then session with Kevin was about the armor of God. We talked about: pursuing God and holiness, putting on Spirit armor, watching what you watch and listen to, what the parts are and what they are for, Belt of truth: what God said and it should be the center of everything, Breastplate of Righteousness: guards your heart and emotions, Shoes of Peace: walk in a way that shares and is prepared to share the Gospel of peace, Helmet of salvation: protects your mind knowing we are a child of God safe and forgiven, Sword of the spirit: word of God (Bible) used to fight and protect, Shield of Faith: Our faith protects us from lies and deception, praying always: Hearing from God is key since it is Him who fights for you and upholds you.
Monday was Ryanns birthday and although we went on the same team, we were still all squad so we celebrated as an old team. I bought he flowers, we had breakfast, people from our Guatemala ministry came and ate with us but left before we went for coffee. Then once I was back I had a meeting with Jenna where I just talked for a long time and after I realized I needed to do another deliverance but I needed to find the real root so I found Alayna and we did a deliverance and God revealed to me unforgiveness that had been hiding behind deception and I as prayed and talked and worked through it, by the end I could feel a weight lifted and I was very happy. I told people I was delivered from unforgiveness and all its “fruits”. Then we had Ryanns birthday dinner and it was fun and a nice time overall. Then the elders gave advice and tips they wished they knew and I packed and too a nap.
12am we headed to the airport for our travel days. We did a four hour flight to Texas, 6hr layover, then a 10hr flight to Germany, a 2 hour flight to Romania then an hour layover, then two trains about 2 hours of travel) then a bus to our first house in Romania. About 48 hours of travel all together.
Fundraising Update
At this point my sweet momma had made a large donation the pushed the percent raised up to about 73 ish. I was now sorting mental turmoil on top of the teaching so I was even more distracted form support raising by this point. But I was very grateful to see God moving on my behalf to still bring in funds for my trip. I was planning on working on support raising more once I was in Romania.
Spiritual Update
I was wrestling with a lot of stuff from my life as a whole and seeking God in that and in gbe teaching that were given. Though there was very little time to process everything so my needed growth was evident but my active growth was slow. But that was okay. God is patient and understanding and willing to walk through every struggle with me no matter the time frame. And when Jacob prayed it really hit me. I didn’t realize anyone could see how hard I have been trying to love God and how I have been loving Him. I know God wants me to rest and just be held. I don’t need to prove, protect or be afraid. I can rest, trust and be held. He loves me and is so kind. At the baptism the lady baptizing me told me God was pleased with me or something like that and I had cried. I dont know how I have missed that God is pleased of my pursuit of Him. My love is flawed but present and see seems it.
I will definitely still take mental health and wellness prayers, so please be praying for me in this and for the same in all my squadmates.
Answered Prayers
Any safely prayers for me very evidently came in handy on the hike
Thank you
Thank you for your love and diligence in supporting, loving and praying for me. Your prayers and support have been very encouraging and I am so blessed to be on a trip that ministers to me, others and you. I pray my updates and stores encourage you as well.
I am so Amazed How God is working things out of you so that He can work His Will within you. How you are Hearing God speak and listening to what He is telling you: He Loves you , Sees and validates Your Deep Love for Him and Your Desire to serve Him, while He is pruning you, and revealing hidden unresolved forgiveness. He is stretching and growing you in your Faith and has brought all these speaker to reveal His truth…. His Truth will set you free….. weights lifted…. You are free to to move forward to what God has for you next. He is preparing and equipping you for Victory and His calling on your life. We are still working on fund raising here. God will Provide, He is our Jehovah Jirrah!! He is Faithful and He will finish the work He started in you. True wisdom to to acknowledge and believe in God and take what He has to say through people to help you grow more like Jesus. Wise to receive positive and negative words in Love to help you face the hard things, submit and commit them all to the Lord, Resist/Rebuke the Devil and He will Flee, Draw Near to God and He will Draw Near to You! You are definitely in His treasure pouch, precious and priceless!! Love ya Babygirl!!!!!