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Hello Everyone

It has been so long since I reached out and for that I am sorry. I am still doing week by week but I am backed up a bit, so here is week 5 in Guatemala! The rest are coming!

Life Update

After a long week off we are finally getting back to doing the kids ministry! I am so excited to get back at it, because even through God worked through the time away, it was personally not a time that I was thriving in. We were initially told we would have to walk to ministry but it was revealed that we were able to get transportation! Praise God! The last week was so emotionally hard but so good.

What’s God doing in Guatemala?

During the roadblocks we still had everything we needed, so God had been looking out and in the busiest week ever (week 5) He was right beside us empowering us to finish our time well.

Thursday the 17th we finally made it back to ministry! I was so excited and relieved to be doing literally anything, it was an extra bonus that that thing was showing Gods love and being His hands and feet to the local villages. We got to ride in the back of a truck which was so exciting! We had been dying to do that since day 1! Today my team got to be in charge so me and Jessie were bosses for the day. The kids were very excited to see us and the same was true for us seeing them. We went through the usual routine of the day and I found some extra time to play with the kids and let the keep teaching me how to play with tops. Me and Emma took turns trying to get the top to work while the other swung kids around (their favorite thing lol). We almost got locked in the school that day due to an ill timed potty break but Loyda came to our rescue ๐Ÿ˜…. Our hosts took us out to dinner this night but when the place we drove to was closed, we went to McDonald’s. It was so nice to spend time with them even in the midst of no chicken and wrong orders galore. Once back, we did spiritual gifts duing team time and got to see into eachothers giftings a little better. It was a VERY full day, but it felt so good.

Wednesday we switched programs for the day within my team so instead of Kingdom Table, me Emma and Kelsey were on Sports ministry. Let me tell you, that is a wild switch up and none of us have any particular passion for sports in general. I’m not gonna lie, although I supported the switch whole heartedly, I was not thrilled to be doing sports, but God was working on my heart as always. We met someone who helped start the program and we got to better know the leaders from Reindom who keep the program running. They are all such great and fun people, so it was a challenge that has lots of fun times and good knowledge and for that I was so grateful. The kids loved learning, doing the drills and playing against us and eachother. It wasn’t easy, but it was worth it, and I got to be useful with my med kit as a kid got a scraped knee. God blessed me extra to be able to feel a little more equipped in a time i was a little out of my comfort zone. After we got back to Sumpango and did team time I was able to give feedback for the sports ministry and shared some ideas on what would be a cool addition to the program and it, after extensive communication barriers being overcome, welcomed enthusiastically. It made my heart happy to know I could give something to the program and people that they can use long after I am gone. Also as a fun brag after only one day one of the leaders (M) had remembered my name after struggling to remember the other girls names (this is where the brag turns a little south and becomes funny) and when I asked how he remembered mine, he said it was the name of a condiment brand that made mayonnaise. That was so funny to me! I loved it.

Thursday was not a Bible study day this week so some of my team decided to read through Genesis more in the morning after prayer room. Then we cleaned up the house and I was able to get some laundry done. Emma was not able to go to worship room as she wanted and so I spent a bit of my time with her, helping salvage a day that had some damaged expectations tied to it. Amanda, Jessie and Ryann brought home pizza for dinner and then after we got the hosts involved in a game of Psychiatrist. It was so great to be able to laugh and play games with our hosts and we bonded much deeper than before. It is such a blessing to have such amazing hosts and I knew how hard leaving would be.

Friday woke up as usual then the surprise arrived! A boys group from W squad Gap year, named the DOGS, came to join us at ministry! They showed up in time for prayer room, then they left with us to go to the village. Emma and Kelsey were in charge that day and each of us helped take the Gap year Racers under our wings to help them learn how to do all the tasks in the day and support them in loving and getting to know the children. They were so great to have because they took every task with joy, did everything to the best of their ability, and were more than willing to learn and try. God bless those boys because they were such a great blessing for us. Once home, after dinner, we got a second dinner because someone from Reindom came that night to be present in the morning and had bought us all pizzas. After eating we all decided to play “Murder in the Dark” together, so we assigned roles and played two different rounds with them. I am not a fan of that game, but everyone made it so fun that I had an amazing time. There was like 15 people playing and it was crazy and fun, we went to bed late but I believe it was very worth it.

Saturday is VBS so I am up at 6 to be ready at 7. More new people showed up so our Reindom group for the day was very large, then the boys were joining so it was a lot of people together. We went to the farthest village and set up. My role was co leader of a group of kids moving through the activities. We walked and told kids about the program then met to do songs and get into groups in the plaza by the church. I helped take my kids to see a skit of a Bible story, then art, then soccer (two kids in a T shirt vs two other kids also in one T shirt, it was so funny and fun, I even participated), then Bible verse memorization with games and candy prizes, then we all go back to the center to sing and dance to songs about Jesus. Then we did it again in the next village, it had fewer kids, but it was still fun for all. We got back early from invited and I ran around high fiving kids down a line on the wall as they waited and the loved it. Once we finished there we went to our main village and it was a special day for them because after songs we broke into groups where the kids got to lead house visits. They prayed and picked a house and we helped them talk, listen and pray for people. It was cool that they were being given opportunities for such empowering and God centered growth at such a young age. It was so encouraging. They were nervous but did a great job.

Sunday was Sabbath and I was still figuring out what rest is to me so I had a loose schedule to spend time with God, listen to worship music, make food and rest and I did okay for the first part of the day but the rest portion needed some better direction. We ended the day eating at Buen Hamberguesa together and discussing tommorows plans, but it was still very nice to sit and talk to everyone. We still recognized that there was still work to be done to be more unified but were still working at it.

Monday was my favorite day by far for adventure days! We were going to Lake Atitlan to go extreme ziplining! We left at 7, had a 3 hr car ride in the back if a truck (I rode in the front and talked to our wonderful driver and kept him company on the drive. We would always laugh as the girls in the back broke out in song do often). We got to the place paid, waited, suited up, got a safety training, then climbed up the mountain and saw a monkey on the way. It was scary at first, being so high up, but I absolutely loved it! It was so beautiful, freeing and fun! I had the best time ever! It was unforgettable. We did a ropes course at the end then went in a butterfly dome and played on a playground with zipping swings! Then our driver took us to Panajachel for lunch and we bought him lunch with us (pupusas) and walked down though the shops to the water and took pictures. It was beautiful. We ended at a coffee shop before doing the 3 hr drive back. I was in the back that time and it was cool watching us drive through clouds. It was a long and beautiful day that was a blessing from God.

Tuesday we had to say goodbye to the kids and it broke my heart so much more than I ever thought it would. Amanda and Ryann were bosses that day. It was so hard to say goodbye. I was on ATL (ask the Lord) that day in the afternoon and was mad because I felt it took away my goodbye time but God blessed me so much by leading me to, and letting me talk with, a kind, Jesus loving woman. She had been through so much and her story had so much power and I was able to step in and encourage her in her walk with God by just being present. My heart finally connected for Guatemala and the pain, faith, love and growth in this country. It was hard to say goodbye to the woman (R), the children, the village and step out of that as I headed to new things God had for me. I was heartbroken in so many ways and grateful in so many more. Our hosts had a surprise for us this night. A big, beautiful, surprise goodbye dinner. They took us to a beautiful park and we did communion together and shared kind words with each other. Then we played games and had fun with eachother one last time before driving home. We even had a watermelon shaped piรฑata! I had so much love in my heart and life. I will miss them deeply.

Wednesday was out last day with Reindom. Praise God I got to do Kingdom Table one last time. I cleaned up in the morning, showing some boys how cleaning the house worked, then joined Kingdom Table. I got to see my best friend student and as I watched the program run one last time I was both sad to leave and so happy it will continue after me. I said goodbye to the people as the left and hugged my bestie goodbye with a heavy heart. Once home we all did dishes and the boys left to do the kids ministry and we packed up our bags and left for our debrief in Antigua. I am not ready for the big move, I wished I could do more before I had to go. And I’m not gonna lie,ย  I was mad that we had that week of no ministry, so I was emotionally a mess but I kept it together enough to get settled in Antigua, but I didn’t want to talk at all that night.

Fundraising Update

At this point I was at about 64% and honestly I have been lacking in intentionality in seeking God’s provision. I had gotten so busy that I didn’t even think about about it over that week. It had gone up a little and for that I was so grateful. God is still faithful to move even when I am not faithful in seeking it. I will talk more in the next post about this overall.

Spiritual Update

At this point spirtially I was at the end of my human problem solving as what God was asking of me to get closer to Him and I “just didnt have time to dig into it” on top of all the enitions on the rise and the physical and mental exertion. So I had not been taking all of everything to God to have Him help me carry it and it was piling up. I did want to feel through it all and let Him have it, I just never got a chance to duing the week like I wanted. So I was determined to process everything with God in debrief.


Sorry you couldn’t pray in the moment, I will try to at least do prayer requests on time so you can.

Pray for Reindom and the amazing people who work their and the amazing things they do.

Pray for the programs of Reindom and the people they reach. Pray God continues building deep relationships with and through them

Pray for (R) the Guatemalan lady I met. Pray for comfort in all her loss and pain and for hope and bright futures full of God’s love and provision. And Pray for Guatemala in a similar way. May God be honored and glorified in Guatemala and His love pour over this country and out of everyones hearts. Prag for stability and no corruption in their government and love and continued peace between people groups here.

Pray for the children that they stay in the love and all God has for them

Pray for me as even from now I am still sad to leave them. Pray God’s strength and provision to be showed to me continually. And pray I trust him well and He is trustworthy always.

Answered Prayers

We all feel great physically by the end of it and God has been blessing the ministry and the country through us and you. Thank you.

Thank you

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you. I literally never could have gotten here without you. Thank you for the opportunity and for being a part of the impact here. Thank you for letting me show God’s love to these people for you and with you. I pray God is blessing you with my stories as much as He is blessing me through your love and support.

One response to “Guatemala week 5, The last week of Ministry”

  1. Enjoyed reading your update. Prayed for you this morning and for your transition from Guatemala to Romania. God continues to provide new pie orders so I will be past the half way mark by the end of Thanksgiving week. Iam excited for what God is doing in and through you and look forward to seeing how he uses this time to grow your faith and prepare you for his plans for your future. Keep your eyes on him the best is yet to come. God bless Dennis LaQuay.