Hello Everyone
Hello to you all! I have not had a chance to sit down and write until just now so thank you for your patience in waiting for week four in Guatemala!
Life Update
Since I last posted the road blocks have been moved, but that was on Sunday, so it was another week of staying in Sumpango. Sumpango is a lovely, lively place with many friendly people and small shops but almost nothing to actually do, so I was getting very stir crazy. I realized I do not do well if I don’t have things to do in the day, and that’s good to know so if I ever get stuck in a small town again. I can try to schedule my days and make more little “events” to fill the time, to feel productive and to have some extra fun.
What’s God doing in Guatemala?
The political climate in Guatemala has been similar to the week prior for this week. The roadblocks were there all week and no one know if or when they would move, but the people did start to move them at 3am for food, money and medical vehicles to get through.
Tuesday had no kids ministry like it normally would, but I did start some in-depth conversations about modesty, marriage, and angels and our group spent a long while discussing each of them with eachother and their thoughts,Β veiws, opinions and Biblical context. Then for team time Amanda did a “Just Dance” follow along for the team to have some fun and get some energy out and overall we all got closer to eachother and to God.
Wednesday we were still able to do a modified version of Kingdom Table. We made bean paste bread at the house and the teachers B and G and their students brought some premade banana bread and we packed bags at the house. We set up just tables and chairs, and gave everyone that came a baggie with the food and a couple got extra too which was nice. I helped clean the pila too while we did a house clean up. Then Ryann did team time and we typed notes for feedback and sang blind karaoke.
Thursday was very chill and because we cleaned the day before we had very little to do. For team time we did a hostage game with feedback and for the bonding portion we did like a speed date deep question thing and both were very fun. We also decided to do a late night prayer and worship session and ended with anointing people and praying for them. And I had a headache that day that went away right when Ryann touched my head and my emotions improved too after we prayed for me.
Friday we had prayer room in the morning and I had a great time communing with God for the hour. I did color analysis to find the “season” for each girl on the team, for fun. Team time was Kelsey that day we did feedback in accents then I made hot chocolate and we watched the first episode of the chosen in the prayer room and answered questions. Me and Alayna chatted some on casting out demons then she had to pack up because she was leaving at 3 am when they move the roadblocks, so she could help another team for the remaining time in Guatemala. It was sad to see her go but we would see her in a couple weeks at debrief, so it was okay.
Saturday me and Emma made 5 kinds of pancakes for everyone to try for breakfast, with toppings galore! It was so fun! We had prayer room at 12 and it was a lovely time, then our team did one on one’s. My first person to spend two hours chatting with was Jessie and my second was with Amanda. Both had good conversations and good times. Jessie and I stayed in and Amanda and I went out for crepes. It was my team time that night we did feedback and I gave historical context on washing feet and its purpose then I had everyone wash eachothers feet while chatting and eneded with praying for eachother. Then we debriefed it and I asked questions and we talked about heart posture, humility and serventhood. It matters where your heart it when you step out to serve.
Saturday was adventure day! And the road blocks got moved for the day! So we went to Antigua to get out and about and have some variety. We met a past racer, Grace, at a coffee shop we stopped at, purely by accident and I had a hot chocolate as we all talked. Then me and Emma went to the market to buy overalls for me and a ring for her and in 10 minutes I had a pair and 30 minutes in we found a ring for her. We talked to a woman who was selling things and talking in English and we became her friends and prayed for her and told her we would be back. In the market we got me some earring and her a scarf and on the walk back to our friends we found one other pair of overalls for me. We were SO good at bartering there and we were both excited about it. We got good prices for everything! We ate then brought the team to our friend in the market and Emma bought a scarf, and me and Ryann got simple bead necklaces. We had good bus rides and ended our day with a movie night and Loyda joined which was extra special.
Monday was our Sabbath and after breakfast we worshiped in the prayer room and watched a podcast together about condemnation vs conviction which was pretty good. I helped make spagetti for lunch and it was delicious. I ate a crepe with Kelsey at Las Victoras and got to have a good chat before coming home and getting pizza and sweet treats as presents from our other team members. I read my Bible to decompress and slept very well.
Fundraising Update
I am at 63% but people are continuing to give and God will provide so I am not too worried. A handful of people gave since my last post and it was very encouraging to watch the amount left drop down. The people in my church are so sweet to be working at filing that need a little. Everyone in my life has been so generous and have blessed me so well. I will pray and wait on the Lord to see what He will do.
Spiritual Update
I was struggling with wanting to spend time with the Lord at the beginning of the week because my bad mood and boredom were stealing my attention, but on the prayer night God made a big move in my heart and helped me to continue to delight in the Lord dispite any circumstances. He is so kind to me and so intentional, and I am love how gentle and patient He is with me and how he talks with me. There is so much to love and I am so grateful for this time to draw near to Him.
Please pray for the political climate in Guatemala and that the person who will be best for the people will get into office.
Please pray for a continued good attitude and outlook for me
Pray for my team and for comfort and patience and we navigate the new dymanic of Alayna leaving
Pray for Alayna, that she blends well and makes good connections with the new team
Pray for Reindom and the ministry they are doing in spite of the hard circumstances
Pray for everyone supporting me, for their safety, health, and continual growth in their relationships with God. Pray God gives them what they need to share His love right where they are at!
Answered Prayers
Everyone on my team is feeling completely better!
The roadblocks were moved and the potential to go to ministry is present
Thank you
Thank you to everyone for your prayers, your gifts and your love and support. You are all so valuable to be. I pray God blesses you 100x more in your own lives!