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Hello Everyone

Hello everyone! Today is a day where we discussed blogs and what they should ideally look like, and we got our phones back just now to either post or make a blog for the first time!

This worked out great because there is so much I wanted to share with you all and God was so gracious to make the time for me to do it.

Life Update

I have been living here at the camp for ten days now and I have met the most wonderful and amazing people, who each love Jesus very much and are pressing in to what he has for them. And it is so uplifting and exciting to know that these people will be the ones coming with me on this journey. I have been tent sleeping, Porta potty using, food portioning and leaning with everything I’ve got into what God has for both me and the group. I have seen so many of these people growing in their walk with God, right before my eyes and they can attest that they have seen it in me as well. I have seen people let go of pain, embrace the Joy of the Lord, walk into forgiveness, and be filled with God’s love.

Fundraising Update

I am still at 53% raised at the moment. I was at one point worried about not making the amount that I need, it comes in bursts occationally, and had fed into the worry that I in some convoluted way was not supposed to be here. But that was a huge lie that God has proven over and over was not true and I am attempting to walk in the truth that God tells me and the peace that He gives me as I move forward in this journey. I am so deeply blessed to have all you people who love me and all the gifts and support you have given. I am blessed to be in this place with these people, walking in this opportunity. I don’t know the future, but God does, and He says He will work all things for my good because I love Him and am called according to His purpose, so I am choosing to look forward to what He will give and bring about in me, and stay in a place of a grateful heart; content in what He has given and is giving me me.

Spiritual Update

On a phone call with a friend yesterday I called this experience a “honeymoon” with God and I feel like that is so perfect to describe what He is doing in my heart and life and I seek Him. It was addressed early on when getting here that there are some things that we feel are true, identify with, or make agreements with, that are not aligned with the truth that God says and as they gave time to us address it individually in our devotional time. One of the handful of things God brought to mind was this. I had been stuck for a long time believing that I just couldn’t hear from God, that He did not talk to me, and getting ready for the trip I was able to get some communication through the symbolism of flowers to hear from Him. But in one of the teachings the lady on stage said “God does talk to you. He is talking all the time” and I knew that that lie I had come into agreement with was so so very not the truth, and in letting go of it, I have heard from God in so many weird, crazy and beautiful ways. This story is one of the many that show God’s movement and power in my life. He literally addresses the things I bring up in private conversations with people the day before, in the music and teachings and His hand in this is so undeniable. He told me of a coming wave of forgiveness in the group and the very next day it was before my eyes and I literally cried at the might, truth, and power of God. This is also true in the friends I have made here. We talk in the morning and after teachings and their stories testify of Him moving in them. (I may ask to share some of them later but rn I didn’t ask so I will not be going into details till I confirm with them)


Please be praying for funding.

Be praying for me as I am attempting to chase after God with all I’ve got and be praying for all the amazing people on my squad that are in the same act of surrender and pursuit.

Pray for what God is about to do in our lives and the lives of everyone that we reach. God is moving in power and when we share that, I believe we are going to witness the grace, power, mercy and goodness of God pour into the lives and communities we are going into.

Pray specifically for the struggles each of us will be facing in our own lifes taking such big strides to walk in Gods will

And pray for all our parents and friends, for peace and building of Faith and relationship with God as we are gone.

I pray for all of you. I thank God for your kindness and faithfulness. I pray God leads you, protects you, fills you with His Holy Spirit, and that you grow in your realtionship with God, Jesus, and “the” Holy Spirit. May He shine His favor on you and grant you the boldness to go to Him in all things. I pray blessings over your lives and families, may God show Himself to you exactly as you need and His will be done in your lives.

Thank you

Thank you God for your love and orchestrating role in all of this.

And thank you to all of you! I could never have gotten to where I am without you all. Thank you for stepping out in faith to give and pray as God leads you. You each are a insurmountable part of my story and my walk with God and you will be playing the same great role through me into the lives of numerous others. I cannot thank you all enough.


2 responses to “Camp Update!”

  1. I am not sure what website they are asking for, so I hope and pray this sends without me filling it in. My lack of technology is so evident. My Babygirl I am so Overjoyed to hear that you are hearing God speak to you! That has been a difficult journey for you, for such a long time. I Praise God for His Faitfulness and His undying Love for us. He is our Sovereign Lord and Savior, He is our Healer, our protector and our provider! He is our refuge, our hiding place and our strong tower! He is our shield, in all our battles! He is our strength when we are weak! He is our unspeakabl Joy and our uncomprehendable peace!! There is no God like Our God, no none! I know He will guide you and protect you and continue to prove himself stong to you as you are committed to Him. I am so excited for all those that are there with you growing in their faith, walk, and relationship with God! For With God you can do All things, for Nothing is impossible with Him. It is hard for my mothers heart to let go, but letting you go into Gods hands, is trusting His Heart To Love and protect you when I cannot. I do not like to use the word proud, for there are no words to describe or define the joy in my heart that you and your heart are following after His Heart!! There is nothing more valuable ever. Love ya My Babygirl! Just as you were born in your fetal sac, set apart for God’s work, He will keep you safe Always in His Treasure sac ( as in the Old Testament), more precious than gold. God will provide, no worries. He will urge inspire and call people with the gift of giving to fund your entire missions trip and more!, because He is a Good Father! It was nice talking to you tonight. It was like a dose of Sunshine, medicine for my soul. Loving prayers wrapped in Hugs for you and all those going on the trip with you.β€οΈπŸ™πŸ₯°

  2. So exciting to hear how you are experiencing God and hearing His voice! I can testify to the fact that I saw you blossoming in your faith right before my eyes. Perry and I are so excited to be your coaches. We love you and are here for you! See you in Guatemala next month!