Hello Everyone
Greetings from training camp!
Life Update
August was rough with having to get every last minute thing in and done and settled. Trying to make sure my bags were not past the weight limit and making sure I can walk 4 miles with it was a huge challenge. I was concerned about both but God has been so clearly in this as the bags were not too heavy (for flights) and He gave me the strength to walk with them. I was able to complete a 4 mile walk in 1hr 15min with a 38.5 lbs pack on my back so it was an amazing blessing. I drove with a friend down from NY to Georgia starting Friday and I got here yesterday. So far being at training camp has been chill, but from what I can tell the hard stuff starts tomorrow, and weirdly enough I am looking forward to that. I will be trying to start blogging about once a week from now on, so you will be hearing a bit more from me.
Fundraising Update
I am still at 53% raised overall. God is definitely working on faith with me as I watch the progression go stagnant right as I m leaving for the trip. So, if while I am here you each can help spread the word for me, my gratitude would be beyond words. And definitely be praying. If God wants me here as I think he does then He will provide. I just don’t know what it will look like yet.
Spiritual Update
I am progressively so sure I am right where I am supposed to be.
“You are ready for this”
a phrase that was sent to me via email a while back, has stood out to me with such clarity as I left for the trip. It was pared up with Acts 20:24 “But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” Just as I was leaving. Never in my life have I ever felt so provided for and directed than for this trip. God showed up and keeps showing up in powerful waysย in each step of the way, as I go. I still find myself worrying, but I also find the reminder of God’s goodness and provision coming quicker to remind me that He has not left and He is working for me.
I have been sick with really gross cold for the past 2 weeks and I would love some prayer for it.
Pray for strength, direction, and the building of strong relationships as I go through training camp
Please be praying for the people on my team. They are amazing people full of God’s love and I am so blessed to be on this journey with them.
Also be praying for the countries and people we meet on the trip. We launch in 2 weeks!
I pray for you, my readers who have chosen to follow along on this big journey. I pray that God moves in your hearts and minds and you follow Him and let Him bring forth the good things He wants for you in His will.
Thank you
Thank you so much for your prayers and support you have given to me thus far. I would never have gotten this far without you guys. I hope God is making as big of moves in your lives as He is in mine. I look forward to letting you know more of what God is doing through me with your support.
P.S. I am camping while I am here and here is a shot of my living quarters for the next 2 weeks!