Hello Everyone
Welcome to my “I made it through July” Update!
Lots has been going on and I am so excited to share it with you…
Life Update
Summer has been a lot of work and a lot of fun. We finally were able to get the RV from my grandparents dropped off in our driveway and my nephew Mitchel has been having a blast staying in it every night. They have been a help with some of the summer work I have been trying to get done (within reason) and always remind me to take time for some fun whether its movies together, beach trips or fishing trips.
My moms foot is fully healed and fully operational so her focus has shifted to planning out what she wants to do about the osteoporosis and low absorption in her gut. She has been meeting with many professionals to decide next steps.
I have mostly been trip preparing and doing work in the garden. We went to Michigan for vacation and while we were gone a deer ate all our broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, beans and cabbage. Some cabbage made a come back, the rest seen to have more or less given up, so the garden is mostly squash, tomato, pumpkin and zucchini now. And, although we missed the fruiting of the blackcaps while we were away, we came back in good time for the blueberries and blackberries.
I have also been working and preparing a lot for my trip, with rides, equipment, fundraising, vaccines, packing and planning. I have so much to still do, but I am chipping away at it day by day.
Wonderful news came with the knowledge that my brother Oliver was going to come back from deployment in time to surprise the boys for their joint birthday party that we hold here for them. They were so happy and surprised to see both him and their mom show up for the event. It was such a sweet and cute occasion.
Fundraising Update
I AM SO HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE THAT THE FUNDRAISING % JUST MADE IT TO THE 50% MARK ON AUGUST 2ND! I was so happy seeing that that I immediately cried and thanked God for how good He has always been to me. It means so much to me to be able to go on this trip, and the 50% mark guarantees I get to go to training camp. I, upon seeing it reach 50, immediately did my research and have been able to find and purchase all the gear I will need to go on the trip. (I had been waiting till 50% to order anything just to stay on the safe side). My parents lovingly decided that they would cover the gear I needed so I would not have to worry about extra funding. Everything is on its way to me now and I am so excited to see it arrive!! Honestly I am overwhelmed by the love and support people have been giving to me (insert happy tears here) Thank you for all your support and prayers, please keep it up because God is clearly on the move here.
Also, my church decided to give to me to cover the spending money I will require for the trip as well so all the stress for extra fundraising is reduced so much. They are a blessing to me and I am happy to see them come along side me in this. <3
Spiritual Update
Gods hand is so evident in this journey and it is beautiful. In every situation He is so clearly present. He even put a gift of a person in my life that always points my mind and heart back to Him in my day to day. Lately I have been facing both the shortcomings of myself and the love, mercy, strength, and majesty of God.
I am not very good at raising money and staying motivated in my day to day, so it is quite literally a miracle that I am where I am at right now. God had told me that if I wanted to do this he would bless it, but it would take hard work from me, and as I pass days of not my best or weeks of I could have done more, I can feel the fear rise in my chest that I wont be good enough to make it, but God, overflowing in mercy, has already accounted for my worst days and my best and He loves me and is on my side and I see it with every gift, prayer and kind word in my journey. He is strong enough for both of us and if I lean on Him, there is nothing I can not do.
Then, as it happens in life all to often, there comes worry part two, and, as days get busy and time gets waisted, I worry I am not leaning enough on Him. But God, in is kindness and gentleness, reminds me that He is for me and He is faithful and that my complacency doesn’t ruin the foundations we have been building. He knows whom He has called, I can’t surprise Him with my shortcomings, or ruin His plans in my failures; He knows me and has already planned for them. He is in control.
In all my shortcomings I see the hand of God fill in where I cannot. It is by his power and might I got any of this done. In my weakness He is strong and so I do not boast of my own might but by the power of God, who loves me.
Praise God for what He has done, what He is doing in my life and what He will do.
Please continue to pray for my trip and all that God is planning to do with it. Pray for the people I will reach and pray for the people who have joined this journey from home praying for me. Pray God shows up in mighty ways and moves mountains in the lives we touch. Pray that we don’t lose sight of God in our purists of change and justice.
Pray for wisdom and guidance for me as I am making a lot of trip decisions right now that will impact the rest of the journey. And pray a little extra for my safety as I leave in about a month for training camp.
Also please keep praying for my momma in her fight of all the heath issues that plague her. Pray she is healed or directed in the right path to find healing. And please pray for peace as she continues on this hard path, for her and for me and my family.
God is so good and powerful and he loves you so much and he wants to give you good things. I have seen this so many times in my own journey this month. So please join with me in praying for the good things that God wants for us to come into our lives and that His will be done.
And as you go about your day I pray for your safety and peace and that all you do you do with Love
Thank You
Thank you, thank you, thank you. God has blessed me though all of you and your love and support and I am so happy you are here! I can’t wait to see what God has next for us
Congratulations on making it to the 50% mark! What a huge accomplishment, I’m so proud of you!
God is doing great things in your life! I have been and will continue to pray for you! You deserve what God is giving to you and he gives its joyfully, remember you are so precious to him, lean on him when he calls you too and you’ll be just fine!
I’m so happy to hear you made it to 50%! I’ll be praying you make it the rest of the way in your funding, and for your other prayer requests! I’m cheering you along in this adventure!